Understanding Cyber Security Breaches: Insights from the Cyber Security Breaches Survey

As someone who’s passionate, about cybersecurity and advocates for safety I am delighted to present a comprehensive analysis derived from the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2023. This survey, which aligns with the National Cyber Strategy provides insights into the state of cyber resilience in the UK. It sheds light on the policies, challenges and evolving landscape of cybersecurity across businesses, charities and educational institutions. When it comes to seeking information or guidance on cybersecurity – many organizations are not fully embracing recognized standards and accreditations such as Cyber Essentials or ISO 27001. This applies across the board although medium and … Read more


Healthcare Cybersecurity Trends: Trojan, Phishing & Ransomware Risks

As the digital world continues to evolve cybercriminals are also adapting their tactics. In the healthcare industry, where patient data’s highly sensitive it is crucial to understand and address cybersecurity threats. Recent insights, into trends in cybersecurity threats highlight patterns and challenges faced by healthcare organizations providing information on areas that require increased vigilance and proactive measures. Upon studying the statistics from the Cyber Security Threat Trends report by Cisco Umbrella, available at https://learn-cloudsecurity.cisco.com/umbrella-library/2021-cyber-security-threat-trends-phishing-crypto-top-the-list, several significant findings emerge, offering valuable insights into the cybersecurity landscape within the healthcare industry. Trojan Activity Dominance One significant finding is the prevalence of trojan … Read more


Phishing Dominance: Financial Sector Cyber Threats Revealed

In today’s changing world of cyber threats phishing stands out as a widespread danger especially for the financial services industry.  Recent data, from Cisco’s Cyber Security Threat Trends report highlights the frequency of phishing attacks in this sector emphasizing the importance of increased awareness and strong defense mechanisms.  As I delved into the information provided by Cisco I gained insights into the nature and scale of this threat leading me to analyze its implications and possible strategies for mitigation more deeply. Understanding the Threat Landscape The statistics reveal a reality; phishing remains the cyber threat that targets financial institutions accounting … Read more


iOS Wi-Fi MAC Vulnerability: Privacy Flaw Exposed

In the cybersecurity domain finding and investigating vulnerabilities within a network or your connected devices is an essential step toward fortifying your digital defense, be it for an employer, for your organization, or just for your personal privacy.  As I recently joined a cybersecurity internship program at a premiere cybersecurity institute, I investigate software and web services to make sure that the web is a safer place.   A recent comprehensive test by me with the help of Wireshark and other packet transfer protocols has revealed a significant vulnerability in iOS devices (with older versions of iOS) related to Wi-Fi MAC … Read more
